Tree Root Excavation
Tree Root Excavation
The professional arborists at TreeTmenT Specialist Tree Services offer a range of tree root excavation and air spade services throughout Hamilton, Bothwell, Strathaven, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire, and East Ayrshire.
Soil compaction is a huge problem for a tree’s health as soil can build up around the tree base, covering the tree root flares – the section of the tree trunk which converges into root tissue – and can cause tree decay around the base of the tree due to the roots not being able to grow and expand. Trees with buried root flares are also far more vulnerable to diseases and pests due to induced stress. Soil around the tree base also hides stem girdling roots which seriously damage trees and can cause them to die prematurely.
Excess soil around the base of trees should therefore be removed. However, so there is no damage to the tree root system it must be carried out with extreme care using the correct equipment. TreeTmenT Specialist Tree Services therefore use pneumatic air spades to safely remove the soil and expose the tree roots. An air spade is the perfect tool to ease soil compaction and to expose tree roots without causing damage to tree roots or underground service cables. Jets of pneumatic air are fired from the air spade which fractures and displaces heavy soil around the tree which improves aeration and water circulation in the soil which encourages root development. Moving soil away from the tree base also helps arborists and tree surgeons to assess and inspect the overall health of the tree. Air spades can also be used for trenching within tree root zones and for integrating soil mixes into beds within tree root zones.
To enquire about our tree root excavation and air spade services contact us.